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Displaying a Block Created by Datapack

Here is a page for datapack developers about how to display the correct information of a custom block.

Block Name and Icon

Here is a few requirements:

  • The fake block must be displayed by an item frame or a glow item frame
  • The item frame must be invisible

Then Jade will use the item inside the item frame, or the stored item in the storedItem tag of the said item.


  id: "minecraft:barrel",
  tag: {
    CustomModelData: 1001,
    storedItem: {
      id: "minecraft:barrel",
      tag: {
        CustomModelData: 1002

In the above case, it will show a barrel with model 1002.

Contents and Background Items

If you want Jade to ignore a content item, you need to tag the item with an entry that:

  • Key ends with "clear"
  • Value is 1b


  id: "minecraft:firework_star",
  tag: {
    exClear: 1b

Creator Pack Name

You can show your pack's name at the bottom of the HUD, instead of "Minecraft". To do so, you need to tag the icon item with your block id:


  id: "minecraft:barrel",
  tag: {
    CustomModelData: 1002,
    id: "cpp:all_in_one_machine"

Then add a translation for your pack name:

  "jade.modName.cpp": "Crafting++"